On this page, you will find updates on releases: a short summary of fixes and updated features.
Note: Elements listed in bold and red are critical updates, make sure to review those carefully before updating
When updates are of relevance to specific organisations, this will be indicated at the start of the description
Release 2.5.23 (10/03/2025)
- Refactored WebScoket reconnection after server restart, or client being offline. This should improve the reliability of real-time updates while the application is open in the browser.
- Limit tracking of requirements to the designated judge (Difficulty 1)
Release 2.5.22 (28/02/2024)
- Fix export of combined rankings (for results that combine results from multiple rounds)
- Fix execution calculation for routines with less than 3 elements.
- Add new format for rounds with 1 routine.
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Split chair of panel and penalty assignment roles, so you can add the neutral deduction entry to any judge in the panel (by combining positions)
- Frbg/Kbt: update of competition formats for the free exercises.
Release 2.5.21 (19/02/2025)
- Refactoring of display settings page:
- When filtering scores to flash by set/panel you can select multiple sets.
- When saving a display the display is reset automatically, which ensures the new settings are taken into account.
- Displays page: In the QR-code page, you'll find a new link to an overview page with direct acces to all active displays for viewing.
Release 2.5.20 (30/01/2025)
General (bug fixes)
- Team results: version 2.5.18 introduced a bug in the team result processing, this has been fixed.
- For discipline with alternating block orders, the presentation of the order for the panel chairs blocked on fillers in the order. This has been fixed.
- Display control: fix for the manual presentation of the scores.
- Report layout improvement: alternating row background in starting order reports.
Rope Skipping Teams
- A new option to create the starting order on a per exercise basis for selected sessions.
- Update of the competition formats.
Release 2.5.19 (22/01/2025)
- Awards report sorting options: up to now, award result would list the participants by award first and then by bib nr. Now you have options to choose how you want to order the participants: the default (type and bib as before), by name or by club and then by name.
To change the order used, update the setting in your event discipline settings. - Selection tracking: selected participants are now marked in the results.
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- FfGym, niveau E, update of the score overview layout.
Release 2.5.18 (14/01/2025)
- An option has been added to track which gymnast have fulfilled selection criteria (for a future competition, not for finals within the same event). For now only the data collection part has been added, reporting will follow soon. To activate the option, configure the Track participant selection option in the category configuration. This will allow you to set a minimum score and the option to add a requirements check that can added for the judges to indicate for each participant if they fulfilled certain requirements.
Double Minitrampoline
- Update of the scoring for routines with only 1 element: maximum execution score changed to 8 (from 9)
- Add option to track selection criteria (see Trampoline)
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- FfGym (Belgium): add new formats for level E competitions
- Kngu (Netherlands): add Hoop/Ball combination as an exercise option for the group competitions.
Release 2.5.17 (19/12/2024)
Acrobatic Gymnastics
- Update of the artistic scoring questions.
- Gymfed/ Belgium: update of the I-level scoring
Release 2.5.16 (03/12/2024)
Change of deployment procedure
The Docker containers for installing the software on a PC have changed locations. To install new versions starting with this release, you need to update the installation script to version 2.5.
You can download the new script from https://www.manula.com/manuals/scoreexpress/application/1/en/topic/installation-on-windows
General updates
- Preliminary schedule publication: reduced timetable.
- Exercise creation: when starting a new session, the exercise status is set to DNS if the participant does not have the exercise selected.
- Country Suriname added
Acrobatic Gymnastics
- Belgium (Flanders): Questionnaire for recreatinal categories artistic scoring.
Mens' Artistic Gymnastics
- Belgium: add support for the Teamcup finales competition format
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- New custom format for Singapore Agape competitions.
Release 2.5.15 (30/10/2024)
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- New panel format for the Singapore national Level 1-6 competitions.
Rope Skipping (Gymfed, BE)
- Update session participant selection for the order preparation, take selected exercise types on session and participation into account.
- Minicup competition format: update score calculations
- The panel switch option now works with an uneven number of judge panels (the last panel is excluded from the switching)
Recrea Trampoline & Tumbling (Gymfed, BE)
- The Switch panel option has been enabled for the discipline
Release 2.5.13 (27/07/2024)
Rhythmic Gymnastics
New starting order creation options.
Release 2.5.12 (22/06/2024)
Artistic Gymnastics
- Formatting corrections in Team apparatus results.
- Correction of Vault final score calculation (average vs best vault) in new formats
Release 2.5.11 (19/06/2024)
Aerobic Gymnastics
Tie-break rules added according to FIG rules.
Women's Artistic Gymnastics
New format added wit two vault, where the best pass is counted for the AA result and the average score is counted for the apparatus result.
Release 2.5.10 (28/05/2024)
The docker image for this version is based on a different version of linux (from alpine to debian). This change was done to avoid internal dns failures that have been occuring in combination with more recent versions of Docker desktop,
- Gymfed score publishing: omit participants without bib to avoid failed updates.
Release 2.5.9 (09/052024)
- United Arab Emirates add the country list.
Release 2.5.8 (02/05/2024)
- In final rounds selection starting order: append participants to the previous order, rather than replacing the while block.
Rope Skipping (recrea)
- increase the number of judges in show teams competitions
- update scoring format for demo exercises
Release 2.5.7 (18/04/2024)
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Limit event rankings to exercise types selected in the category settings.
Rope Skipping
- Fix scoring details for team competition: exercise weights for 25+ competition, penalty fields for compulsory exercises.
Release 2.5.6 (19/03/2024)
One small update for Rope Skipping teams competitions: limit creativity variations total score to 120 for all levels
Release 2.5.5 (15/03/2024)
- Club teams report: fix left margin
- Display: use regional rankings if open or regular are not available.
- Start order automatic scheduling: fix logic to select the first panel in mixed orders (Acro).
Release 2.5.4 (07/03/2024)
- Fix export of judge panels (csv): first names
- Fix navigation of disabled scores in the judge console.
- Public results: fix order of awards listing
- Fix form validation in Display page and club data page.
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Gymfed/FfG formats revert free exercises difficulty calculation
Gymfed Dans
Extend the number of judges in the panel.
Gymfed Recrea Tra/Tu
Fix penalty calculation
Release 2.5.3 (20/02/2024)
Rope Skipping
Update of 2023-2024 score calculations for teams.
Release 2.5.2 (07/02/2024)
- Update the wording of certificates
Acrobatic Gymnastics
- FIG score sheet for Artistic judging is now available for all CoP 2022 based competition formats
- Refinement of the artistic scoring process:
- processing of score confirmations corrected
- artistic judges can see their total score before confirmation.
Release 2.5.1 (29/01/2024)
- First attempt to translate the software into German, review pending.
- Session starting order page: counters added to indicate the number of participants in each block as well as the number of remaining participants.
Acrobatic Gymnastics
- New competition formats added to allow Artistic judging based of the FIG score sheet.
- Update to allow switching between panels (routine 1 and 2) in sessions with more than two panels (even number of panels is assumed)
Release 2.5.0 (09/12/2023)
This release has two important updates
Round participant selections
For competitions in multiple rounds, the selection process for the next round/finals has been redesigned. From the session dashboard in one of the qualifying sessions, you can now select the Selections tab at the bottom of the page and select the type of ranking you want to use to make the selection.
On the selection page, you will see a proposal for which participants will be selected as finalist or reserve, based on the category settings and the selected ranking. You have the option to change the proposal before finishing the selection.
Upon finishing the selections, you have the option to simply update the participants status for the next round, or to proceed and add the selected participants to the starting order of a session.
Live results page
For the publication of the results during and after the competition, a completely new website is available. For the time being the old website (results.scoreexpress.be) will still be available and even be usable for new competition if you chose to publish there.
The new website is available on public.scoreexpress.be
In order to publish your competition on the new website, select the "on the ScoreExpress website" as the live results publication method. Unlike the old publication method, you don't need to configure an external ID for the competition.
After saving the competition settings with the new publication method, you will see the direct link to the event results on the page.
On your account profile, you can choose to list your organisation on the home page of the results site. If you do so, you can direct visitors directly the overview page of your events.
Release 2.4.5
- FfGym: live results: fix categories with included second categories
- Fix certificates with ranking and total score
Release 2.4.4 (28/10/2023)
- Spelling and translation corrections in FR
- Fix team participation import when importing from another competition
- Score input page: provide better feedback on participant status (absent, not selected, etc ...)
Artistic Gymnastics
- Fix vault results in AA reports
- Gymfed teamcup formats: updated formats for 2023 events
Acrobatics Gymnastics
- Add option to select a custom difficulty divider. Options: regular (divide by 100) and Double (divide by 50). This option does not apply to Age Group competition formats
Release 2.4.3 (17/10/2023)
- Add event ranking results to the AA listing: this feature can be enabled in the event's discipline settings. It requires the AA ranking as well as the event rankings to be activated for a category for this to work.
- Hide/show total score in awards based certificates, based on category settings:
The total score of a participant can be included in the award certificate if the publish rankings option of the category is 'Full', if the options is set to 'none' or 'awards only', the total score is hidden.
Release 2.4.2 (19/09/2023)
Correction of team rankings in multi-round competitions with combined scores.
Release 2.4.1 (8/09/2023)
- The import has been updated to allow to register the same participant (club member) multiple times in one import run, be it in multiple categories or multiple groups.
- Import from federation DB: show the source competition ID
Aerobic Gymnastics
Minor updates in score representation in the results
Rope Skipping
Updates for the 2023-2024 competition season
Release 2.4.0 (1/08/2023)
Export/Session reports refactoring
The sections for creating reports from the session dashboard and from the export page has been thoroughly updated. The structure of the page has been changed and new options for creating report have been added.
A detailed overview of changes:
- Export page tabular layout: the export page new has a tabs to switch between the different types of reporting in order to provide a better overview of the options available.
- Judge Panels - FIG list: the list of judge panels can be exported in correspondence with the requirements of FIG for reporting which judges have been working in your competition. In order to have a correct listing, it is required that A) all judges have been added to their correct positions in the judge panels and B) that the FIG license number of the judges has been filled out in the External ID field (on the Club Member page)
- List participants - new types of lists: lists of participants can be exported in following types now:
- Participants per session (PDF, shirt numbers or csv)
- Participants per category (PDF)
- Participants per club (PDF)
- Number of participants per club (PDF)
- Teams per club (PDF)
- NEW - Participants by country/NOC (PDF): Listing of the participants according to their NOC affiliation, as per FIG results book requirements. For this list to be correct, participating clubs should have the correct country assigned.
- NEW - Number of Participants per country/NOC (PDF): Listing of the number of participants according to their NOC affiliation, as per FIG results book requirements. For this list to be correct, participating clubs should have the correct country assigned.
- Results: the results section remain largely unchanged. notably the export of per judge scores has been moved to a separate section.
A new option to create a list with medal winners only has been added. - Judge Scores: this new section has been added for the creation of reports that include all score details. In the PDF reports the level of details will be balanced between information requirements and space available. CSV exports include each and every value entered by judges or calculated as an intermediate score value.
- Results Book: the results book section, allows you to export different types of reports into a single PDF document. The sections available for inclusion, correspond to the report types available in the other tabs as separate options.
Team competitions
- Team deductions: it is now possible to assign team deductions (on the team participation page), which will be deducted from the team all-around score (only).
- Several reports have been adapted to provide better information or layout for team competitions:
- Starting order: the starting order will now include both the individual bib nr as well as the team bib nr (if assigned)
- Shirt Nrs: The shirt number page will now include (in the default layout) the team name as well as the team bib
- Team results: the layout of the team results report has been refactored, to provide better alignment of member names and exercise scores.
Aerobic Gymnastics
Aerobics gymnastics has been added as new discipline in ScoreExpress.
Currently supported are competition formats as described in the FIG Code of Points 2022-2024.
Release 2.3.23 (28/05/2023)
- New countries added for Asian Championships
- Client pages will no longer request a new download of all data after a server restart to avoid a heavy server load after a restart of the application. A consequence is that a refresh might be necessary when a client has been in sleep mode for a while.
- Display: fix of selection of the per event rankings to add in the display
- Update of the tie-break rules.
Release 2.3.22 (04/05/2023)
- Live results: multiple fixes
- Fix group name presentation
- Fix ranking navigation with more than 2 rounds
- Add option to configure final round result calculation type per type of ranking (AA, TEAM, EVENTS)
Rope Skipping
- RS Team I-level: fix diff tables
- RS Demo: fix diff calculation
Fix competition format with Acrobatic series (FfGym)
Release 2.3.21 (07/03/2023)
- Fix for the rotation orders of sessions with a different number of blocks per set or panel.
- Gymfed: correction of bonus calculation on Vault
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Fix saving of maximum execution value option
- Possibility to select apparatus now available on all current formats based on a the general list of apparatus.
Release 2.3.20 (28/02/2023)
- Update for competition starting orders with more than two rest rotations (MAG/WAG)
- UI fix for discipline specific options fields in categories.
- Session order page: add filter based on club regions.
- KBT/FRBG: add mechanism to award the gymnast with the best overall execution score (In the category configuration, add the label you want to use)
- KBT/FRBG: add automatic bonus calculation for the imposed exercise categories.
- KBT/FRBG: fix of score calculations (use median instead of average execution scores)
Release 2.3.19 (11/02/2023)
- Fix footer/header size for custom templates.
- KBT/FRBG competition formats
- add automatic bonus for excellent execution scores
- add Label for gymnast with best overall execution score.
Rope Skipping
- Team competitions: add format for B 13-15
- Recreacup (Gymfed): fix tie-break
Gymfed Dans/Demo
- Add 2023 competition formats
Release 2.3.18
- Enable discipline configuration fields to be set in the default configuration in the customer account.
- New option for ranking generation for competitions with multiple rounds "Finals Rankings" (set in discipline settings). Reports can be generated with selected participants only or Combined rankings can be generated with all participants.
- Fix csv export of results
Double Mini-trampoline
- Update score calculation: Maximum score for 1 element is 9
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- FfGym Div 5 (E): update competition format
Rope Skipping
- Add 2022 team competition formats
Trampoline (Gymfed I-level)
- Update trampoline judge panel and score calculation
Tumbling (Gymfed I-level)
- Add updated competition formats
Release 2.3.17
- New option for regular rankings when working with guest participants: "Add Guest Participants To Regular Ranking" (set in the discipline settings page):
- When not selected, guest participants are not included in the regular rankings (as before)
- When selected, guest participants are included at the end of a regular ranking (but not ranked)
- New option for team presentation: "For Team Reports, Show" (set in discipline settings page), to either list the team name, the club name or both.
- Time schedule calculation: add option to configure a fix time per block/rotation
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Update tie-break options, according to latest FIG rules
Swiss International Schools (SGIS)
Addition of custom competition formats.
Release 2.3.16 (from 2.3.14)
- Add option to use session date in certificate template
- French translation spelling corrections
- Certificates: add option to print one page per team/group member of the certificates
- Display Timer settings reconfiguration
Release 2.3.14
- Fix selection of next round participants based on team results
- Fix BIB number assignment for team sessions
- Add 2022 Team competition formats for Belgian competitions
Rope Skipping
- Add 2022 Individual competition formats
Release 2.3.13 (from 2.3.11)
- Fix team event ranking calculation
- Guest field added to csv export of participants
- Selection of rankings for PDF export now shows the number of participants in each ranking.
- Fix of the results calculations in competitions with more than two rounds
- When a club member is removed, it is also removed from groups and teams that include the member.
- Display: the filter for exercise types can have multiple events selected.
- Discipline settings: for disciplines with groups, there is a new option to indicate if the group name is to be listed or the member names.
- Height deductions can be added to the participant information. If a deduction is registered, it will be copied into the scores of the team automatically. CJP can still overrule the deduction.
- (Australia) new format for Special Olympics
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Custom exercise selection for categories: when the selected format is 'All Apparatus + Free' you can make a selection of the apparatus to be applied, thus creating a custom format.
- (Australia) New format for groups: clubs and Hoop/Ball
Release 2.3.11 (from 2.3.9)
- Add option to hide exercise times in the session starting order (for acrogym and rhythmic gymnastics)
- The report for printing BIB sheets is now customisable in the user profile.
Release 2.3.9 (from 2.3.7)
- Support for individual (zoned) warmup schedules in disciplines of mixed starting order type (RG, Acrogym, etc ...).
- Refactoring of multi-round results calculation to support three stage competitions
- Synchronous: competition formats for panels with manual HD scoring and 6 execution judges
- Rope Skipping Recrea show teams competition format
Release 2.3.7 (from 2.3.6)
- Fix redirection to import-login when starting with a clean database
- Fix registration of multiple url's on the QR-code page.
Acrobatic Gymnastics
- Fix Cop 2022 Age Group competition formats
- FfGym: fixes in Acrobatic Séries value labeling and penalty calculation
Release 2.3.6 (from 2.3.5)
- Session notes editor: mark up is kept when copy pasting text between sessions
- Login page: enter key is submitting the form on all login pages
Double Minitrampoline
- Fix landing calculation
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- New FIG groups competition format (hoop and ball/ribbon)
- Australia: custom competition formats
Release 2.3.5 (from 2.3.4)
- Fix Team score calculation if best x exercises overall is chosen as method
- Fix use of Enter key on login page.
Double Minitrampoline
- Tie-break rules added
Men's Artistic Gymnastics
- Australia, ACT: add custom competition format
Rope Skipping
- Fix starting order PDF for uneven number of panels
Release 2.3.4 (from 2.3.2)
- Fixed session time calculations for mixed order type sessions (Acrobatics, RG)
- Fixed allaround vs allround labels: for English all-around is the default spelling. For Dutch Allround is the default spelling.
- QR login page: fixed creation of IP settings.
- Bib assignment workflow has been refactored in order to support the mix of team based assignment vs individual assignment per session
- A link to this page is now visible below the application version.
- Internal refactoring of the way exercise orders for the panels are calculated
- Session Dashboard navigation: fix session selection when changing the round or date.
Double Minitrampoline
- A new format for one routine rounds
Men's Artistic Gymnastics
- Maximum difficulty value raised to 20 for FIG based scoring formats
- Gymfed/FfGym: update of the imposed program score calculations
Recrea Toestelturnen (Gymfed)
- Remove composition and neutral deduction fields in the scores
Rope Skipping
- Consistent naming of freestyle exercises
- Fixed exercise timing in teams freestyle sessions
- FfGym: fix for the Teamcup B competition format
Release 2.3.2 (from 2.3.1)
- Fix results PDF content (rankings appeared empty)
- Fix creation of certificate reports
- Home page load time is improved for organisations with many events.
- Apply filters to ranking csv exports in the same way they are applied to PDF documents.
- Fix calculated session times in Acrobatics in case of multiple blocks.
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Fix calculation of score in free exercises with 4 difficulty judges in one panel.
- Apply maximum execution value to score calculation for CoP 2022
- Fix free exercise calculation with 4 difficulty judges in one panel.
Rope Skipping
Fix starting order in Jury console and session dashboard
Dance & Demo (Gymfed)
Add tie break implementation.
Release 2.3.1 (from 2.3.0)
- Export to csv of participants list: add participant external ID
- Export to csv of results: add award if available
- Gymfed: Fix XML data export for live score
Rope Skipping
Fix working order in freestyle sessions in judge console and dashboard.
Acrobatic Gymnastics
Add support for the new judge panel configuration in the 2022 Code of Points
Men's Artistic Gymnastics
KBT/ FRBG: fixes to the A/B level program
Release 2.3.0 (from 2.2.1)
General updates:
- CRITICAL: The docker Docker deployment procedure has been updated (2.2), make sure download the new installation script from the manuals page (https://www.manula.com/manuals/scoreexpress/application/1/en/topic/installation-on-windows)
This installation procedure will add a third container to the installation (scoreexpress-report). This will avoid the problem with creating PDF reports that some users have been experiencing with recent updates. - The new deployment script will check automatically for updates of the server images, so no need to an image pull before redeploying.
- Distribution of exercises for disciplines with mixed order type scheduling (Acro, RG): if one panel has significantly less exercises than the other panel, exercises of the former are now spread more evenly.
Artistic Gymnastics
- Changed layout of the panels: in the overview of score values deductions of the line judges are indicated more clearly to distinguish them from the D1 neutral deduction field.
- KBT/FRBG: implementation of the 2022 program for Men: two new competition format have been added, one for I-level (4 passes on Pommel Horse), one for AB-level (2 rotations on Pommel Horse, with two passes each)
- Change in calculation of average of two vaults: when the second vault is omitted completely (listed as DNS in the report), a 0 used for the average calculation.
Rhythmic Gymnastics
- FfGym: addition of C8-9 category indication in the applicable format
- KNGU: addition of competition formats for the CoP 2022.
- Fix score calculation of Synchronous competition formats with automatic HD evaluation